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Sudocrem 婴儿护臀膏 60g(防止红屁股)

作者:佚名 点击量: 2016-02-27 16:26:15

Sudocrem 婴儿护臀膏 60g(防止红屁股)

SAVE 13%

DELIVERY : 7-15个工作日

SHIPPING: 8澳/首kg,续重 4澳/0.5kg;

IN STOCK : 1-3个工作日发货

Sudocrem helps to soothe, heal and protect your baby's delicate skin from further irritation.Sudocrem helps to stop any irritants (urine and stools) coming into contact with the skin with its water-repellent base which forms a protective barrier.Sudocrem also helps to soothe sore inflamed skin whilst leaving the skin feeling soft with its emollient effect.Sudocrem is a soothing protective antiseptic cream with additional healing, antibacterial and antifungal properties and can be used for other skin conditions such as cuts and abrasions, eczema, chapped hands, rough skin, bed sores.Sudocrem won't sting on application. It helps a wound to heal and forms a protective barrier over the vulnerable area.HOW TO USE?Sudocrem can be applied at every nappy change, but please remember to only apply a thin layer as a little Sudocrem goes a long, long way.Massage in small circular movements until the Sudocrem has disappeared leaving a translucent film. If this does not cover the affected area apply a little more. However, if the area stays white after application, too much has been applied.
中文名称 Sudocrem 婴儿护臀膏 60g(防止红屁股)
英文名称 Sudocrem Healing Zinc Cream 60g
发货方式 澳洲直邮
规格 60
发货国家 澳大利亚

1. Roy Young Chemist中文站所有的包裹国际段由宜送 (http://www.yi-express.com/)派送,国内段由顺丰派送;

2. 运费标准为8澳/首kg,续重 4澳/0.5kg;

3. 所有海关税费将委托宜送替您缴纳,您无需再缴纳税费;

4. 每个订单金额不能超过AU$260(不含运费);

5. 包裹限重4KG,超过部分会由宜送拆单派送;

6. 同一收件人(同一身份证ID)一天最多下3个订单;

7. 每个订单最多购买2罐奶粉。

